
As the UK’s love affair with coffee grows stronger, it’s clear that our tea-loving nation is embracing the rich, aromatic world of java. Last year’s figures were a proof to this shift, with an impressive 95 million cups of coffee consumed each day, and a notable 65% of those enjoyed in the comfort of our homes.

This domestic coffee revolution brings with it a new challenge: the dreaded coffee stain on our lovely carpets. But there’s no need to worry.

We will help you with all you need to know about how to clean coffee stains from carpet, ensuring your carpets remain as spotless as they are.


How to Clean Coffee Stains From Carpet: Cleaning Process

You have a cosy home, and you love entertaining. But nothing ruins a catch up with your friends like a sudden spill! Coffee on the carpet is no reason to panic, however! We have the perfect product for avoiding a permanent stain. If the coffee spill has just happened, here’s what to do:


What You’ll Need

  • 1001 Carpet Care Stain Remover
  • Clean white cloths
  • Cold water
  • Soft-bristled scrub brush or an old toothbrush
  • Vacuum cleaner (for the final step)


Step 1: Blot the Coffee Stain

  1. Blot Up the Coffee:
    • Grab a clean white cloth and gently blot the coffee stain. Dab it like a pro, absorbing as much liquid as possible.
    • Work from the outside edge of the stain toward the centre to prevent spreading it.
    • Avoid scrubbing; it could damage the carpet fibres.
  2. Add Cold Water:
    • Pour a small amount of cold water onto the coffee stain to dilute it.
    • Blot up all the liquid using a fresh, clean white cloth.
    • Repeat if dealing with a larger spill.


Step 2: Apply 1001 Carpet Care Stain Remover

  1. Mix the Solution:
  2. Blot the Stain:
    • Blot the stained area with the 1001 Carpet Care Stain Remover, working from the edges toward the centre.
    • Rewet the cloth as needed, ensuring you don’t oversaturate the carpet.
    • Continue until you’ve fully removed the stain.


Step 3: Rinse and Dry

  1. Rinse with Cold Water:
    • Using a fresh cloth, blot plain cool water onto the stain to rinse out the stain remover.
    • Move to a clean area of the cloth as the stain transfers.
  2. Let It Dry:
    • Allow the carpet to air dry completely.
    • Once dry, vacuum the treated area to fluff up the fibres.


Bonus Step: Freshen Up

Make sure you use our 1001 Carpet Care Freshener after removing the coffee stain. It’ll leave your carpet smelling very fresh and rejuvenated.


How to deal with coffee stains on carpet