How to Remove Furniture Polish From Your Carpet (Quickly)

1001 Shampoo is designed to tackle the larger high traffic areas of your carpets. The formula works right down into the carpet fibres attacking ground-in dirt, the unique formula leaves a protective shield that will defend your carpet to keep it cleaner for longer.

It’s time to find out how to remove furniture polish from carpet using 1001 Carpet Care Shampoo. No wonder it is your best friend when you want to get your carpet deep-down clean. Safe to use on most delicate carpets, including wool.

Things you will need

  • 1001 Shampoo

  • Vacuum Cleaner

  • Clean Cloth

  • Bucket/Container of Water

  1. Step 1: Immediate Actions

    • Blot the Stain:  Use a clean, absorbent cloth to blot any excess furniture polish from the carpet. Avoid rubbing as this can spread the stain.
    • Test for Colourfastness: Before applying any product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the carpet to ensure it doesn’t cause discoloration.
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  2. Step 2: Using 1001 Carpet Care Shampoo

    • Prepare the Area: Remove any loose dirt or debris from the stained area.
    • Apply the Stain Remover: Spray 1001 Carpet Care Shampoo onto the affected area, covering it completely.
    • Wait: Allow the product to work on the stain for about 5 minutes.
    • Blot Again: After the waiting period, blot the area with a clean, dry cloth to absorb the stain and the cleaner.
    • Repeat if Necessary: If the stain persists, reapply the shampoo and repeat the process.
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  3. Step 3: Post-Cleaning Care

    • Rinse: Once the stain is removed, rinse the area with cold water and blot dry.
    • Dry the Area: Allow the carpet to air dry completely or use a fan to speed up the process.
    • Vacuum: After the carpet is dry, vacuum the area to restore the carpet’s texture.


    Note: 1001 Carpet Care Shampoo is safe to use around pets and children and is also WoolSafe approved, making it suitable for delicate carpets. 

    However, it should not be used with hot water or on materials unsuitable for wet cleaning.

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Freshening Up Your Carpet

After following the steps above to remove the stain from your carpet, we highly recommend you use one of our carpet fresh products to leave the treated area with a beautiful scent!

Remember, it’s always best to treat stains as soon as possible for the best chance of complete removal. For future spills, having 1001 Carpet Care products on hand can be a real carpet lifesaver.