How to remove vomit from your carpets and rugs

How to remove vomit from your carpets and rugs

Cleaning up vomit, whether it’s from your furry friends or your little ones, is never a pleasant task. But fear not! We’ve got just the product that can help make this icky job a lot less overwhelming.

1001 Carpet Stain Remover is a fast-acting spray that is designed to tackle tough stains but is gentle on your carpet fibres.

The formula gently works deep down in to carpets and rugs to effectively remove stains such as vomit, leaving your carpets looking and feeling clean.

1001 Carpet Stain Remover is safe of use on the most delicate of carpets, including wool.

Your carpets best friend

Things you will need

  • Paper towel or kitchen utensils

  • Colour fast cloth

  • Carpet Stain Remover

  • Vacuum

  1. Step 1: Remove residue

    Remove all solid residue from your carpet and rugs
    how to remove vomit from carpets and rugs
  2. Step 2: Blot the Stain

    Blot the stain with a dry paper towel to absorb any liquid
    blot the stain
  3. Step 3: Apply Carpet Stain Remover

    Apply 1001 Carpet Stain Remover and wait for a maximum of 5 minutes.

    Be careful not to over wet this area.

    1001 Carpet Stain Remover
  4. Step 4: Massage the product

    Using a dry cloth, massage the Carpet Stain remover

    formula into the stained area.

    dry cloth
  5. Step 5: Remove excess liquid

    Remove excess liquid with a dry cloth or paper towel
    blot carpet to remove excess liquid
  6. Step 6: Vacuum

    Leave the area to dry, then vacuum.

    You can repeat these steps if necessary.

    Vacuum after use


After following the steps above to remove the stain from your carpet, we highly recommend you use one of our carpet fresh products

to leave the treated area with a beautiful scent!

Check out our Carpet fresh range here.